Criminal Code: Articles 115-121A, 121C, 121D, 124-126, (Maltese/English);
Permanent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, (Maltese/English);
Public Administration Act 2019, along with Code of Ethics, (Maltese/English);
Protection of the Whistleblower Act 2013, (Maltese/English);
Code of Principles of Good Corporate Governance for Listed Entities, (English).
Criminal Code: Chapter 10 § 5a-6
(Brottsbalk: kap. 10 § 5a-6), (Sweden), (English);
Public Employment Act
(Lag om offentlig anställning), (Swedish), (English);
Whistleblower Protection Act
(Lag (2021:890) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om missförhållanden), (Swedish);
Common Basic Values for Central Government Employees – Fundamental Legal Principles
(Den statliga värdegrunden – gemensamma principer för en god förvaltning), (Swedish).
Permanent Commission against Corruption of Malta, (Maltese/English).