Criminal Code: Articles 100-105А
(Ο περί Ποινικού Κώδικα Νόμος (ΚΕΦ.154), 1959: Άρθρα 100-105Α), (Greek);
Law on the Prevention of Corruption
(Ο περί Πρόληψης Διαφθοράς Νόμος (КЕФ.161), 1959), (Greek);
Law on Civil Service
(Ο περί Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας Νόμος του 1990 (N. 1/1990), (Greek);
Law on Ratification of the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption: Article 4
(Ο περί της Σύμβασης του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης για την Ποινικοποίηση της Διαφθοράς (Κυρωτικός) Νόμος του 2000 (Ν. 23(III)/2000): Αρθρο 4), (Greek);
Law on Declaration and Control of Property of Certain Publicly Exposed Persons and Certain Officials
(Ο περί Ορισμένων Δημόσια Εκτεθειμένων Προσώπων και Ορισμένων Αξιωματούχων της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας (Δήλωση και Έλεγχος Περιουσίας) Νόμος του 2004 (Ν. 50(I)/2004)), (Greek);
Law on Illicit Enrichment of Officials
(Ο περί Ποινικού Κώδικα Νόμος (Ο περί Αθέμιτης Κτήσης Περιουσιακού Οφέλους από Αξιωματούχους και Λειτουργούς του Δημοσίου Νόμος του 2004 (N. 51(I)/2004), (Greek);
Criminal Code: Articles 163-166, 169, 382-397, 399, 401-405, 410-414, 418, (Chinese), (English);
Law of the People’s Republic of China against Unfair Competition of September 2, 1993, (English);
Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Servants of April 27, 2005, (Chinese), (English);
Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of China of March 20, 2018, (Chinese), (English);
Law on Graft Busters of August 20, 2021, (Chinese);
Provision on Strictly Prohibiting Party and Government Organs and Party Officials from Doing Business and Running Enterprises of March 12, 1984 (unofficial source)
(关于严禁党政机关和党政干部经商、办企业的决定), (Chinese);
Provision on Further Prohibiting Party and Government Organs and Party and Government Officials from Doing Business and Running Enterprises of February 4, 1986 (unofficial source)
(关于进一步制止党政机关和党政干部经商、办企业的规定), (Chinese);
Interim Provisions on Banning Commercial Bribery of November 15, 1996, (Chinese);
Several Provisions on the Personal Securities Investment Behaviors of Staff of Party and Government Organs of April 3, 2001 (unofficial source)
(关于党政机关兴办经济实体和党政机关干部从事经营活动问题的通知), (Chinese);
Notice on the Establishment of Economic Entities by Party and Government Organs and the Business Activities of Cadres of Party and Government Organs of June 26, 1992 (unofficial source)
(关于党政机关兴办经济实体和党政机关干部从事经营活动问题的通知), (Chinese).
National Supervisory Commission of the People’s Republic of China, (Chinese);
Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption, (Chinese), (English);
Commission against Corruption, Macao Special Administrative Region, (Chinese/English).