HSE University Anti-Corruption Portal
Comparison of countries
Overall Score:
37 out of 100
98 out of 180
Overall Score:
5,07 out of 10
111 out of 141
Overall Score:
51 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,55 out of 1
63 out of 142
Overall Score:
104 out of 150
34 out of 140
Overall Score:
7,01 out of 10
44 out of 119
Overall Score:
42 out of 100
76 out of 180
Overall Score:
81 out of 100
Overall Score:
0,54 out of 1
64 out of 142
Overall Score:
93 out of 150
55 out of 140
Overall Score:
7,28 out of 10
36 out of 119
International Cooperation
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2006.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The country report are available here.
  • The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions was ratified in 2001.
  • The country is undergoing Phases 3bis and 1bis evaluation of the implementation of the Convention. The reports are available here.
  • G20 Presidency in 2018.
  • The documents adopted under Argentina’s Presidency are available here.
  • Member of the FATF since 2000.
  • Evaluation Report on compliance with the FATF recommendations is available here.
  • The Inter-American Convention against Corruption was ratified in 1997.
  • The Agreement for the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy as an International Organization was ratified in 2014.
  • The UN Convention against Corruption was ratified in 2007.
  • The review under the first cycle of the Implementation Review Mechanism is completed. The country report is available here.
  • GRECO’s member since 2001.
  • The Council of Europe’s Criminal Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2004.
  • The Council of Europe’s Civil Law Convention on Corruption was ratified in 2004.
  • The fifth evaluation round is completed. The evaluation report is available here.
  • The Agreement for the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy as an International Organization was ratified in 2012.
Main Legislation
  1. Criminal Code: Articles 256-268(3)
    (Codigo Penal: Artículos 256-268(3)), (Spanish);
  2. Law 25.188 «On Ethics of Public Functions»
    (Ley 25.188, Ley de Etica de la Funcion Publica), (Spanish);
  3. Law 27401 «Criminal Liability of Legal Persons»
    (Ley 27401, Ley de Responsabilidad Penal de Personas Jurídicas Privadas), (Spanish);
  4. Framework Law 25.164 «On the Regulation of Employment in the State Sector»
    (Ley 25.164, Ley marco de regulación de empleo público nacional), (Spanish);
  5. Decree 41/99 «Code of Ethics for Public Administration»
    (Decreto 41/99, Codigo de Etica de la Funcion Publica), (Spanish);
  6. Decree 102/99 «Anti-Corruption Bureau»
    (Decreto 102/99 Oficina Anticorrupción), (Spanish);
  7. Decree 1023/2001 «National Administration Procurement Regime»: Article 10
    (Decreto 1023/2001 Regimen de Contrataciones de la Administracion Nacional: Artículo 10), (Spanish);
  8. Decree 26.857 «On Amendments to Law 25.188 “On Ethics of Public Functions”»
    (Ley 26.857, Ley Nº 25.188. Modificación), (Spanish);
  9. Decree 1179/2016 «Gifts to Public Officials Scheme»
    (Decreto 1179/2016, Régimen de Obsequios a Funcionarios Públicos), (Spanish).
  1. Criminal Code: Articles 256, 324-327, 3302, 333-335
    (Codul Penal: Articole 256, 324-327, 3302, 333-335), (Romanian/Rissian);

  2. Code of Offences: Articles 312, 3131, 3132, 3134-3136, 3138, 314-315, 3191, 3271, 3302
    (Codul Contravenţional: Articole 312, 3131, 3132, 3134-3136, 3138, 314-315, 3191, 3271, 3302), (Romanian/Russian);

  3. Law of June 6, 2002 No. 1104 «On the National Anti-Corruption Centre»
    (Lege Nr. 1104 din 06.06.2002 cu privire la Centrul Naţional Anticorupţie), (Romanian/Russian);

  4. Law of February 22, 2008 No. 25 «On the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants»​
    (Lege Nr. 25 din 22.02.2008 privind Codul de conduită a funcţionarului public), (Romanian/Russian);

  5. Law of July 4, 2008 No. 158 «On Public Office and the Status of a Public Servant»
    (Lege Nr. 158 din 04.07.2008 cu privire la funcţia publică şi statutul funcţionarului public), (Romanian/Russian);

  6. Law of October 25, 2013 No. 252 «On Approval of the Regulation on the Functioning of the Anti-Corruption Telephone Line System»
    (Lege Nr. 252 din 25.10.2013 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului de funcţionare a sistemului liniilor telefonice anticorupţie), (Romanian/Russian);

  7. Law of June 17, 2016 No. 132 «On the National Integrity Authority»
    (Lege Nr. 132 din 17.06.2016 cu privire la Autoritatea Naţională de Integritate), (Romanian/Russian);

  8. Law of June 17, 2016 No. 133 «On Declaration of Assets and Personal Interests»
    (Lege Nr. 133 din 17.06.2016 privind declararea averii și a intereselor personale), (Romanian/Russian);

  9. Law of May 25, 2017 No. 82 «On Integrity»
    (Lege Nr. 82 din 25.05.2017 integrităţii), (Romanian/Russian);

  10. Law of July 12, 2018 No. 122 «On Whistleblowers»
    (Lege Nr. 122 din 12.07.2018 privind avertizorii de integritate), (Romanian/Russian).

Anti-Corruption Bodies
  1. Anti-Corruption Bureau, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Argentine Republic
    (Oficina Anticorrupción, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de Argentina), (Spanish).
  1. National Anti-Corruption Centre
    (Centrul Național Anticorupție), (Romanian/English);

  2. Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office
    (Parchetul Anticorupție al Parchetului General), (Romanian/Russian/English);

  3. National Integrity Authority
    (Autoritatea Națională de Integritate), (Romanian/Russian/English);

  4. Independent Anti-Corruption Advisory Commitee
    (Comitetul Consultativ Independent Anticorupție), (Romanian/English).

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