1. Constitution: Article 104
(Constitución Nacional De La República Del Paraguay: Artículo 104), (Spanish);
2. Criminal Code: Articles 196, 300-304
(Codigo Penal: Artículos 196, 300-304), (Spanish);
3. Law on Civil Service: Articles 57, 60, 64, 68, 69
(Ley No. 1626 De La Funcion Publica: Artículos 57, 60, 64, 68, 69), (Spanish);
4. Law on the Prevention, Criminalisation and Punishment of Unlawful Enrichment in Public Office and Trading in Influence
(Ley № 2523 Previene, Tipifica Y Sanciona El Enriquecimiento Ilicito En La Funcion Publica Y El Trafico De Influencias), (Spanish);
5. Law on Punishable Acts against Public Assets
(Ley 2880 Reprime Hechos Punibles Contra El Patrimonio Del Estado), (Spanish);
6. Law on the Implementation of Article 104 of the Constitution, on the declaration of assets of civil servants
(Ley 5033 Reglamenta El Artículo 104 De La Constitucion Nacional, De La Declaracion Jurada De Bienes Y Rentas, Activos Y Pasivos De Los Funcionarios Publicos), (Spanish);
7. Law on the Prohibition of Nepotism in Public Service
(Ley № 5295 Prohíbe El Nepotismo En La Función Pública), (Spanish);
8. Law on Prevention, Criminalisation and Punishment of Transnational Bribery
(Ley 6430 Que Previene, Tipifica Y Sanciona Los Hechos Punibles De Cohecho Transnacional Y Soborno Transnacional), (Spanish);
9. Law of 26 April 2023 No. 7089 «On the Framework for the Prevention, Management of and Liability for Conflicts of Interest in the Public Service»
(Ley Nº 7089 Establece el Régimen de Prevención, Corrección y Sanción de Conflictos de Intereses en la Función Pública), (Spanish);
10. Law of 5 January 2024 No. 7236 «On the Amending Law of 26 April 2023 No. 7089 "On the Framework for the Prevention, Management of and Liability for Conflicts of Interest in the Public Service" and Repealing Articles 24, 25, 26 and 38»
(Ley Nº 7236 Que Modifica Varios Artículos De La Ley N° 7089/2023 “Que Establece El Régimen De Prevención, Corrección Y Sanción De Conflictos De Intereses En La Función Pública” Y Deroga Los Artículos 24, 25, 26 Y 38), (Spanish);
11. Presidential Decree on the Establishment of the Interagency Network to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption under the Presidential Administration
(Decreto N° 4937/2016, Por la que se crea la Red Interinstitucional de Transparencia y Anticorrupción (RTA), dependiente de la Presidencia de la República), (Spanish).
Criminal Code: Articles 279, 280, 295, 314, 315, 318-321, 324, 325
(Кодекси Ҷиноятии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон: Ҳайкалҳои 279, 280, 295, 314, 315, 318-321, 324, 325), (Tajik/Russian);
Code of Administrative Offenses: Article 671
(Кодекси Ҳуқуқвайронкунии Маъмурии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон: Моддаи 671), (Tajik/Russian);
Law of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 5, 2007 No. 233 «On Civil Service»
(Конуни Чумҳурии Тоҷикистон «Дар бораи хизмати давлатӣ»), (Tajik/Russian);
Law of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 7, 2020 No. 1714 «On Combating Corruption»
(Қонуни Ҷумҳурии Точикистон «Дар Бораи Муқовимат Ба Коррупсия»), (Tajik/Russian);
Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan of December 3, 2015 No. 591 «On the Code of Ethics for Civil Servants of the Republic of Tajikistan»
(Указ Президента Республики Таджикистан от 03.12.2015 №591 «О Кодексе этики государственного служащего Республики Таджикистан»), (Russian).
1. National Anti-Corruption Secretariat
(Secretaria Nacional Anticorrupción), (Spanish);
2. Interagency Network to Promote Transparency and Combat Corruption
(Red Interinstitucional de Transparencia y Anticorrupción), (no official website);
3. Specialised Unit of the Public Prosecutor's Office for Combating Economic Crime and Corruption
(Unidad Especializada de Delitos Económicos y Anticorrupción), (Spanish).
Agency of the Republic of Tajikistan for Public Financial Supervision and Combating Corruption
(Агентии назорати давлатии молиявӣ ва мубориза бо коррупсияи Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон), (Tajik).