Criminal Code: Articles 100-105А
(Ο περί Ποινικού Κώδικα Νόμος (ΚΕΦ.154), 1959: Άρθρα 100-105Α), (Greek);
Law on the Prevention of Corruption
(Ο περί Πρόληψης Διαφθοράς Νόμος (КЕФ.161), 1959), (Greek);
Law on Civil Service
(Ο περί Δημόσιας Υπηρεσίας Νόμος του 1990 (N. 1/1990), (Greek);
Law on Ratification of the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption: Article 4
(Ο περί της Σύμβασης του Συμβουλίου της Ευρώπης για την Ποινικοποίηση της Διαφθοράς (Κυρωτικός) Νόμος του 2000 (Ν. 23(III)/2000): Αρθρο 4), (Greek);
Law on Declaration and Control of Property of Certain Publicly Exposed Persons and Certain Officials
(Ο περί Ορισμένων Δημόσια Εκτεθειμένων Προσώπων και Ορισμένων Αξιωματούχων της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας (Δήλωση και Έλεγχος Περιουσίας) Νόμος του 2004 (Ν. 50(I)/2004)), (Greek);
Law on Illicit Enrichment of Officials
(Ο περί Ποινικού Κώδικα Νόμος (Ο περί Αθέμιτης Κτήσης Περιουσιακού Οφέλους από Αξιωματούχους και Λειτουργούς του Δημοσίου Νόμος του 2004 (N. 51(I)/2004), (Greek);
Criminal Code: Articles 256, 324-327, 3302, 333-335
(Codul Penal: Articole 256, 324-327, 3302, 333-335), (Romanian/Rissian);
Code of Offences: Articles 312, 3131, 3132, 3134-3136, 3138, 314-315, 3191, 3271, 3302
(Codul Contravenţional: Articole 312, 3131, 3132, 3134-3136, 3138, 314-315, 3191, 3271, 3302), (Romanian/Russian);
Law of June 6, 2002 No. 1104 «On the National Anti-Corruption Centre»
(Lege Nr. 1104 din 06.06.2002 cu privire la Centrul Naţional Anticorupţie), (Romanian/Russian);
Law of February 22, 2008 No. 25 «On the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants»
(Lege Nr. 25 din 22.02.2008 privind Codul de conduită a funcţionarului public), (Romanian/Russian);
Law of July 4, 2008 No. 158 «On Public Office and the Status of a Public Servant»
(Lege Nr. 158 din 04.07.2008 cu privire la funcţia publică şi statutul funcţionarului public), (Romanian/Russian);
Law of June 17, 2016 No. 133 «On declaration of assets and personal interests»
(Lege Nr. 133 din 17.06.2016 privind declararea averii și a intereselor personale), (Romanian/Russian);
Law of May 25, 2017 No. 82 «On Integrity»
(Lege Nr. 82 din 25.05.2017 integrităţii), (Romanian/Russian).
National Anti-Corruption Centre
(Centrul Național Anticorupție), (Romanian/English);
Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office
(Parchetul Anticorupție al Parchetului General), (Romanian);
National Integrity Authority
(Autoritatea Națională de Integritate), (Romanian/Russian/English);
Independent Anti-Corruption Advisory Commitee
(Comitetul Consultativ Independent Anticorupție), (Romanian/English).