Criminal Code: Articles 380-387, 389-392
(Codi Penal: Articles 380-387, 389-392), (Catalan);
Law 1/2019 of January 17, 2019 «On Public Service»
(Llei 1/2019, del 17 de gener, de la funció pública), (Catalan);
Decree 6/2008 of January 16, 2008 «On the Functioning of the Unit for the Fight against Corruption of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs»
(Decret del 16-1-2008 de funcionament de la Unitat de Prevenció i Lluita contra la Corrupció), (Catalan).
Criminal Code: Article 51 - Liability of Legal Persons, Articles 177-178a, 328bis-328quater, 363-364a, 420bis
(Wetboek van Strafrecht: Artikel 51 – Aansprakelijkheid van Rechtspersonen, Artikels 177-178a, 328bis-328quater, 363-364a, 420bis), (Dutch);
Law on Civil Service
(Ambtenarenwet), (Dutch);
Law on Whistleblowers
(Wet Huis voor klokkenluiders), (Dutch);
Code of Conduct for the Public Sector
(Gedragscode Integriteit Rijk), (Dutch);
Guide to integrity for persons occupying political positions in municipalities, provinces and councils for water management (with a Model code of conduct)
(Handreiking integriteit van politiek ambtsdragers bij gemeenten, provincies en waterschappen (Met modelgedragscode)), (Dutch).
Unit for the Fight against Corruption of the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs
(Unitat del Ministeri de Justícia i Interior de Prevenció i Lluita contra la Corrupció), (Catalan).
Fiscal Information and Investigation Service
(Fiscale Inlichtingen-en Opsporingsdienst), (Dutch);
Public Prosecution Service
(Openbaar Ministerie), (Dutch);
(Politie), (Dutch/English).