1. Criminal Code: Articles 415-421, 474-481, 484-486, 490-497, Articles 417, 511 – Liability of Legal Persons
(Código Penal: Artículos 415-421, 474-481, 484-486, 490-497, Artículos 417, 511 – Responsabilidad de las Personas Jurídicas), (Spanish);
2. Code of Civil Servants Ethics
(Código de Conducta Ética del Servidor Público), (Spanish).
Criminal Code: Article 51 - Liability of Legal Persons, Articles 177-178a, 328bis-328quater, 363-364a, 420bis
(Wetboek van Strafrecht: Artikel 51 – Aansprakelijkheid van Rechtspersonen, Artikels 177-178a, 328bis-328quater, 363-364a, 420bis), (Dutch);
Law on Civil Service
(Ambtenarenwet), (Dutch);
Law on Whistleblowers
(Wet Huis voor klokkenluiders), (Dutch);
Code of Conduct for the Public Sector
(Gedragscode Integriteit Rijk), (Dutch);
Guide to integrity for persons occupying political positions in municipalities, provinces and councils for water management (with a Model code of conduct)
(Handreiking integriteit van politiek ambtsdragers bij gemeenten, provincies en waterschappen (Met modelgedragscode)), (Dutch).
1. Public Prosecutor’s Office
(Ministerio Público), (Spanish);
2. Department of the Supreme Court of Auditors for Integrity and Ethics
(Tribunal Superior de Cuentas Dirección de Probidad y Ética), (Spanish);
3. Anticorruption National Council
(Consejo Nacional Anticorrupción), (Spanish).
Fiscal Information and Investigation Service
(Fiscale Inlichtingen-en Opsporingsdienst), (Dutch);
Public Prosecution Service
(Openbaar Ministerie), (Dutch);
(Politie), (Dutch/English).