Public Service Act 103 of 1994, (English);
Executive Members’ Ethics Act of 1998, (English);
Protected Disclosures Act 26 of 2000, (English);
Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act 12 of 2004, (English);
Public Service Amendment Act 30 of 2007, (English);
Protected Disclosures Amendment Act 5 of 2017, (English);
Code of Ethical Conduct and Disclosure of Members’ Interests for Assembly and Permanent Council Members, (English);
Public Service Regulations, (English).
Criminal Law: Articles 156-162
(Código Penal N° 9155: Artículos 156-162), (Spanish);
Law of December 23, 1998 No. 17.060 «On Regulations Regarding Misuse of Public Office (Corruption)»
(Ley 17.060 de 1998 Dictanse normas referidas al uso indebido del poder público (Corrupción)), (Spanish);
Law of August 25, 2015 No. 19.340 «On the Council for Transparency and Public Ethics»
(Ley 19.340 de 2015 Junta de Transparencia y Ética Pública JUTEP), (Spanish);
Law of September 25, 2019 No. 19.823 «Code of Ethics for Public Administration»
(Ley 19.823 de 2019 Código de Ética en la Función Pública), (Spanish);
Comprehensive Law of December 20, 2017 No. 19.574 «On the Fight against Money Laundering»
(Ley 19.574 de 2017 Ley Integral Contra El Lavado De Activos), (Spanish).
Council for Transparency and Public Ethics
(Junta de Transparencia y Etica Publica), (Spanish).