Initially the Anti-Corruption Portal was predominantly focused on the fight against corruption in the public sector, whilst the analysis of anti-corruption activities in the private sector was limited to separate pieces of news.
However, from now on the topic of anti-corruption in the business sector will be fully covered by the Portal.
Firstly, the news published in the Blog on this topic will appear on the Portal much more frequently under the “Business” label for ease of use.
Secondly, a separate subsection containing publications on the aforementioned topic, anti-corruption compliance, has been added to the Literature Section.
Thirdly, the Section on useful external Internet resources has been complemented by references to different blogs, databases and reviews of legislation centered on the regulation of anti-corruption activities in commercial organisations and compliance.
Finally, the major update consists in the publication of a database of cases of liability for the violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), in the form of animated infographics.
The infographics were developed by the experts of the Anti-Corruption Centre of the HSE University, based on the analysis of documents of the U.S. Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission. So far, this is the first and the only database of this kind in the Russian language.
The infographics visualise the countries and economic sectors to which the organisations that were held liable for the bribery of foreign officials belonged, the countries where they bribed officials and types of bribery employed, which measures of criminal and civil liability were imposed on corporate offenders, the amount of sanctions they paid, etc. Besides that, more detailed information on certain cases is provided (at the time of writing, the infographics contained data on 178 cases).
So far, the infographics cover the period from 2008 to date and visualise only the information on the cases of liability of legal persons. However, they are planned to be expanded in the future both in terms of information about cases against organisations that were settled in earlier years and additional data regarding corrupt practices, offices held by bribed officials, amount of bribes, etc.